What are Joy Socks?

They are branded colourful, fun pair of socks.

Do you sell socks?


How do you get your socks?

We buy branded, wholesale socks for less than $4 a pair.

Why socks?

Why not? Read more about our story here. We all need reminders and the socks remind us of the 4 ‘G’ ingredients of Joy:

Being Grounded – When we live in the past or surf the future, we can be consumed with ‘why’ and ‘what if’ the greatest joy is found in being where our feet are and being present and grounded in the moment.

Being Genuine – We experience the most joy when are true to ourselves, are accepting of who we are and what lights us up. Socks are a fun way to let our own ‘freak flags’ fly!

Being Grateful – Joy is very vulnerable, we feel happy when things are going well, however sometimes instead of enjoying the moment we think of what could go wrong. Joy is so worth feeling and colours our lives with all sorts of deliciousness. Joy Socks always bring a smile, if nothing else one can look at their socks and feel gratitude.

Being Generous – The entire Joy Socks Movement is based on a simple act of kindness. People who collect, give out the socks, or are recipients of Joy Socks are all part of a yummy web of generosity. Generosity is the birth place of joy.

Who do you give your socks to?

We give Joy Socks to non for Profit organizations – hospitals, shelters, Boys and Girls Clubs, Ronald McDonald Houses (to name a few).

Do you donate them to individuals?

Yes! if you know someone that is struggling and If you live in the Calgary area and are willing to pick them up-reach out!


I am going overseas to work with under privileged people. Could I bring some along to hand out?

We love that idea! Please contact us to see what we can do.

“I was having a less than stellar day today when out of the blue I was handed a wee box filled with socks (socks covered in spots which I have a thing for) that completely changed the outlook of my day. So from a deep place of gratitude please accept my heartfelt thanks for the kindness and joy you extended because it really made a difference today.”

Ronald McDonald House, Calgary AB